Sunday, February 24, 2013

My dream?

Debate about this. Mine, not yours. I let you be whatever you want to. But you… have criteria for your wife. Alright.

I know you want me to be what you want. But, where's the real me? ...
Okay, I follow your rules (what do you want).
You don’t want to see me become athlete such as climber or runner, right?
You want to have a calm wife -artist&pianist- just know that I wanna be  pianist for sure!

You said that I can become everything I want to. But, if you don’t like about "that" . I have to make you sure, tell you whats the benefits , etc (up to me, my method). I just never think it will be so complicated.

I wanna have a husband that understand me (you did!) and support me whenever wherever I am.
I want you to accept me, with all your heart sincerely.
You can change me, if that’s make me better than before. If not? I don’t want to.

I'm trying to be what you want. Isn't easy but I'm trying.
Appreciate that!
There's anybody who could change me become what they want except you. Be grateful.